For English viewers

Målet med denne bloggen er å dele mine jaktopplevelser i inn- og utland. Har du noen spørsmål til meg send meg gjerne en epost:

The purpose of this blog is to share my hunting experiences both in Norway and abroad. If you have any questions regarding my hunts, do not hesitate to drop me an email:

Skitt jakt!
Happy hunting!

onsdag 11. mars 2009

Chinese water deer

While looking for a trophy CWD buck we happened upon this doe. Fantastic to watch these animals! At the end of the clip you can see Trapper Dave in his highseat..
If you click the little HD button down on your right side, you'll be able to see the clip in full HD. This may cause stuttering unless using a "highpowered PC".

1 kommentar:

Trond Stegarud sa...


så du har en blogg du også ja. artig.

Akkurat startet en selv, ikke så mye der ennå men driver legger ut engang iblandt.
